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LGBTQ+ History Month

This February we’re celebrating LGBT+ History Month 2021. We will be bringing you a range of content, activities and events that share the experiences of the LGBT+ community, celebrate the diversity within it, and raise awareness of issues facing LGBT+ people at City of Glasgow College and worldwide.

Our Students' Association team has created a short quiz designed to test our knowledge on the progression of rights and laws to protect the LGBTQ+ community. Some of these laws have recently been referenced in popular TV drama It's a Sin.

Create your own user feedback survey

The surge in popularity of It's A Sin has brought awareness and shocking images to the forefront of viewers across the nation - particularly the misinformation and stigma still attached to HIV that disproportionately affects the LGBTQ+ community. Our faculty reps recently shared a pledge and information pack aiming to end HIV stigma in Scotland. 

Sign the Pledge here