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Celebrate the Women who Inspire You

The Creative Writing Society want to hear your stories!  As part of International Women’s Day on Tuesday 8th March, we are inviting all students and staff to participate in this online campaign. We want you to tell us stories of women/womxn who have inspired you throughout your life. This could be a family member, trusted friend, mentors, a staff member in the College, or a famous person. The choice is yours! 

It’s easy to contibute – just press the + icon on the Padlet page below. You can add photos, music and web pages to your post to give it vibrancy and to help tell the story of someone who has had a positive impact on your life.  For further inspiration Check out Creative Industries colaltion of work for International Women's Day.

We encourage stories about any persons who identify as female, including members of the LGBTQ+ community, and all students and staff are welcome to post. We hope you enjoy reading each other’s stories and watch this space for updates to our campaign! 

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