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Candidate for the position of Liberation Officer

Image for Zahra Khan

Zahra Khan

I Khan Help!


My name is Zahra, and I need your help in becoming your Equalities Officer. Whilst all the candidates are deserving of your vote, here’s why I'd be the perfect candidate:

I have proactively promoted inclusivity in every one of my past and present workplaces. The promotion, and inclusivity, of marginalised groups is paramount to my personality. I believe I have a great understanding of the demographics I would be representing, as a 27-year-old Queer Scottish-Pakistani woman with PTSD. 

I understand how difficult it can be to be part of something larger than yourself, whilst also trying to amplify your own voice. I believe the lessons and skills I have learned through hardship can be passed on to others who have to experience the same difficulties within our college, without having to jump through hoops.

I will no longer accept people having to hide or adapt parts of their personality “to keep peace”. I will fight to against the stigma attached to mental health, making people feel like they are a rung down on the ladder because their baggage is heavier, when in fact it has made them stronger.

I believe I could be your perfect candidate, as through my own personal experiences of inequality and prejudices, in and outside of education, I've grown a passion for standing up for anyone and everyone who has not been heard. I have a desire and dedication to stand with anyone who needs a helping hand.

Visit my campaign page on Facebook! 

City Campus

Students’ Association
City of Glasgow College
Second Floor
190 Cathedral Street
G4 0RF
t: 0141 375 5322

Riverside Campus

Students’ Association
City of Glasgow College
Ground Floor
21 Thistle Street
G5 9XB
t: 0141 375 5600

City of Glasgow College

Registered Charity No: SC036198

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