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As a Students’ Association, our primary concern is ensuring the continuous improvement of the Student Learning Experience. We, as a union, support both lecturing staff and support staff and recognise that teaching conditions are learning conditions.   

Why are staff striking? 

National strike action is taking place over an ongoing dispute regarding a national pay award for college staff, including conditions of this award. This dispute is between college staff trade unions (EIS-FELA & Unison) and College Employers Scoland. Further strike days have been announced by EIS-FELA and are occurring across the Scottish college sector, not just at our college. 

A full list of all strike days can be found on the college industrial action webpage here

Will my classes be running on strike days? 

Not all classes will be disrupted by strike action, however, staff who choose to strike are not legally obligated to tell anyone in advance. Therefore, students may not find out if their classes are disrupted until the day of the action.    

We have been advised that curriculum areas will find cover wherever they can and changes to timetables will be communicated with students as soon as possible.  

We have been informed that the College buildings will remain open during these dates, with support services such as the libraries, student services, finance, and catering facilities still open for students to access.   

During notified strike action, a level of student safeguarding takes place at the College. If your class is not running due to strike action you will be given a positive attendance.This not only protects students academically but allows them to show support for lecturing staff by striking alongside them if they choose to.   

Questions we are asking on your behalf: 

Below is an overview of questions we have asked on students behalf, regarding the impact of industrial action on the Student Experience, these are in addition to the existing FAQs already provided by the College.

If you have a question that is not listed below please get in touch so we can enquire further on your behalf -


What are the SA doing? 

As a Students’ Association, we understand your concerns about the effect striking will have on your course and our main focus is ensuring the quality and enhancement of the Student Learning Experience.   

As this strike is on a national level we have sought to share our concerns with our own national counterpart, NUS Scotland (the National Union of Students).  NUS Scotland continue to urge both staff Trade Unions and College Employers Scotland to come to a speedy resolution to avoid further disruption for our members.

It is important to note that the Students’ Association is a third-party, and is not directly involved in any of the ongoing disputes. Both national strike actions are the result of ongoing disputes between union members and employers. As a third-party, we receive only the information that both parties publish.

Is there any student support I can access during this time?   

We recognise that this is a challenging year for students, which may impact wellbeing. We encourage students to reach out to college services for support if they find themselves struggling.  

Student Advisors are available for drop-ins at Student Services or you can get in touch with them by email or phone. They are open Monday - Friday 8.45am - 4.45pm.  

You will find these services on the second floor at City campus and the ground floor at our Riverside campus.   

Tel: 0141 375 5192 