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Hi, I’m Stacey, your elected Vice President of Diversity and Wellbeing. 

I joined the college last year to study Professional Cookery. What a year! I have accomplished, pushed, and surprised myself. So, this year, I want to do even more, as I believe you have to embrace your individuality and find strength in your own independence.

During my time volunteering at the Students’ Association’s Student Pantry last academic year, I was incredibly grateful to win the Volunteer of the Year award. I got to meet a diverse group of people and often engaged in conversation with them, learning about their culture, beliefs, what they like and dislike about the college, and what they would like to see happen. This is why I believe that we need to work on building a community within the college across both campuses. 

Within my manifesto, I mentioned a garden, which will be a huge challenge as it will bring the community I want to build together, building stronger bonds within the huge variety of departments we have, communicating together, creating new relationships and new experiences, and sharing ideas. The garden will be influenced by my ambitions of broadening the traditional methods of mental health and how we can help ourselves. As quoted by Matshona Dhliwayo, “The world says fit in; the universe says stand out.”

So, if you see me around campus when I am working, feel free to come say hi. I will also be organising drop-in sessions where you can share your ideas, and I will be more than happy to sit and listen to you. I'm excited to spend this year working with, supporting, and advocating for you!   

Contact Stacey

Manifesto Aims:  

1  Be a voice for you.
2  Broaden methods to helping mental health.
3  Collaborate with other departments.

City Campus

Students’ Association
City of Glasgow College
Second Floor
190 Cathedral Street
G4 0RF
t: 0141 375 5322

Riverside Campus

Students’ Association
City of Glasgow College
Ground Floor
21 Thistle Street
G5 9XB
t: 0141 375 5600

City of Glasgow College

Registered Charity No: SC036198

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