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Be Represented

City SA in partnership with City of Glasgow College put student representation at the heart of everything we do. Our team is made up of our Student Parliament which includes our Presidential team, Voluntary Officers, Class and Faculty Reps and the City SA support team. 

The Class Rep system enables students’ voices to be heard by the college. This is really important to us because students are the experts on their own learning experience. They provide a vital link between staff and students and are paramount to the implementing and leading change within the college. If you want to know more about Class Reps, click here

We wouldn’t be the Students’ Association we are without the help of our Student Parliament. Our Presidential team focus on key areas such as Learning and Teaching, Social and Activities and Diversity and Wellbeing. The team will take up their position at the beginning of the academic year and they’ll work to objectives designed to best represent the students of the college. We also elect Voluntary Officers who's aim is to help and support the Presidential team in their initiatives.