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Why advertise with CitySA?

Photo from Freshers Week 2022 - two people playing giant connect four.    Photo from Freshers Week 2022 - Students engaging with the Students' Association stall.

CitySA proudly represents 24,000 students at City of Glasgow College, comprising an impressive 16% share of Glasgow's vibrant student population. From in-person events to digital campaigning, our students are at the heart of everything do - making us the perfect partner to connect students with their favourite brands. Our diverse student body is highly engaged, seeking to enhance their academic experience and social life while studying in Glasgow.

Introducing native: our media partner

To advertise with us online or on campus, please get in touch with native. As City of Glasgow College’s exclusive advertising partner, native powers our campus media and can help you to build sustainable and impactful relationships with 18-25-year-old students. Learn more about the advertising opportunities at City of Glasgow College via our media pack. 

To book your next campaign and start reaching students at City of Glasgow College, get in touch with native today.

City Campus

Students’ Association
City of Glasgow College
Second Floor
190 Cathedral Street
G4 0RF
t: 0141 375 5322

Riverside Campus

Students’ Association
City of Glasgow College
Ground Floor
21 Thistle Street
G5 9XB
t: 0141 375 5600

City of Glasgow College

Registered Charity No: SC036198

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