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Keep Your Nights Out Great

On campus, the safety of our staff and students is our priority – and not just in reference to the on-going coronavirus guidelines. There are existing on-campus guidelines here.

Part of the experience of being a student is also your social life and wellbeing. As venues, nightclubs and bars open up again, we’ve put together a list of tips to keep you safe and aware on nights out, as we recognise that student life doesn’t just take place on-campus/digitally. Whether you’re new to Glasgow or just beginning to venture out again, it’s important to be aware of our surroundings and potential incidents – and where to report any incidents should they take place.

  • Stick to a group of friends and peers you can trust as much as possible.
  • Let trusted friends and family members know where you are going, and how you plan on getting home.
  • Charge your phone before leaving the house so if you need to contact people in an emergency, you can do so.
  • Check out transport routes before you head out – many bus services and trains are still operating under restricted hours – and most don’t have a night service.
  • Be mindful of drinks on a night out and don’t leave them unattended. Everyone is vulnerable to spiking and cases have increased in spiking incidents since the pandemic began.
  • Get a registered taxi. Glasgow Taxis are the only taxi who can legally pick you up if you hail them in the street. Apps like GlasGo Cabs and Uber can help you know when your driver is going to pick you up – some areas however may not be as well serviced for drivers if ordering with an app.
  • Keep your valuables concealed – cover-up expensive looking jewellery, mobiles, keys, cash and cards.
  • Stick to well-lit and busy areas. Avoid car parks, unlit areas, parks, dark walkways along the rivers and canal, and underpasses – particularly at certain times of night where you might find yourself isolated.
  • Stay alert – play your music at a level where you can still hear what is going on in your surroundings.
  • Trust your instincts – does an area feel uncomfortable? Does it look safe?

If you’re in a bar and you don’t feel comfortable with the behaviour of someone else drinking there and inappropriately approaching you, alert bar staff.

It’s important to have fun when you’re out and we wish that the streets and nightlife were safer – but hope these tips will help you stay safe and alert!

City Campus

Students’ Association
City of Glasgow College
Second Floor
190 Cathedral Street
G4 0RF
t: 0141 375 5322

Riverside Campus

Students’ Association
City of Glasgow College
Ground Floor
21 Thistle Street
G5 9XB
t: 0141 375 5600

City of Glasgow College

Registered Charity No: SC036198

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