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Get Involved

Why start a society?  

Setting up a club or society is an exciting and fun way to embrace college life. Not only does it provide you with a platform to meet like-minded people, but as a society leader (referred to as a convenor) you will develop new skills and experiences, all of which are transferable to your CV.  

Check out the video of one of our convenors, Kit, about how they feel they’ve benefited from starting their society!

How to get started 

If you have an idea for a society that you think other students would benefit from then fill in our Proposal Form here (please not our form will not go live until September 2022).

You will then be put in touch with Zara Grew, Vice President Social and Activities, who is there to support all our societies and their convenors. You will talk through our proposal together and further develop your ideas and your personal goals.  

Next, Zara will take you through your convenor training, providing you with all the information you need to develop a successful society including:  

  • How the SA can support your society 

  • How to promote and advertise your society  

  • How to run successful events  

  • How to access college resources  

  • How to be a positive student leader.  

Once you have completed your training, your society is good to go! You will also have access to support and additional training opportunities throughout the year- lots of exciting things for you to get involved with! 

Any questions about our society process please get in touch at