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Join a Society on New Members Week to enter our prize draw!

Societies are a great opportunity to find friends, try a new hobby, and have fun. If you have been thinking about joining a society for a while but haven’t yet, this week is a great opportunity to do it!

All students who join an event or meeting of a society they haven't attended before during this week (Monday 26th Feb to Friday 1st March) will be added to a prize draw to win Love2Shop vouchers. Don’t miss your chance!

How to join a society?




City Campus

Students’ Association
City of Glasgow College
Second Floor
190 Cathedral Street
G4 0RF
t: 0141 375 5322

Riverside Campus

Students’ Association
City of Glasgow College
Ground Floor
21 Thistle Street
G5 9XB
t: 0141 375 5600

City of Glasgow College

Registered Charity No: SC036198

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