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City - it's time to roll up your sleeves!

The NHS Mobile Vaccination Unit is coming to City Campus, allowing students and staff the opportunity to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. We would encourage anyone aged over the age of 16 who has yet to receive their first vaccination, or had their first vaccination over eight weeks ago, to take the time to drop into our mobile clinic. 

COVID-19 can be serious whatever your age and the vaccine is your best protection against its effects. Read more about why NHS Scotland strongly recommends you get the COVID-19 vaccine

Event Information

Dates: Tuesday 7th & Wednesday 8th September 

Time: 9:30am - 3:30pm

Location: Level 2 - Allan Glen entrance 

Vaccines Available:  Pfizer will be available as a 1st dose for anyone aged 16-39 years of age . 

Pfizer and Moderna vaccines will be available as a second dose for anyone who is eight weeks from their first dose (any age). If you're receiving a second dose, please bring a record of the date you received your first vaccine and the vaccine type if possible.

Students (asylum seekers and refugees) are able to receive a vaccination without providing a CHI (Community Health Index) number.

AstraZeneca is not available at the mobile clinic - individuals requiring a second dose of AZ can be directed to NHSGGC community drop in centre - NHSGGC:Drop-In Vaccinations

When you receive your vaccine, we will provide you with a free hot chocolate and a KitKat. 

Riverside Staff & Students 

Staff and students at our Riverside Campus can drop in to the Glasgow Central Mosque. Available dates and times here.

Useful Links